Holding the Annual General Assembly of Omid Development and Construction Company

According to the advertisement published in the Kodal system on 01/15/1402, the annual general meeting of the company will be held on 01/22/1402 on Tuesday at 14:00 at the conference hall of Al-Zahra University with the presence of the majority of real and legal shareholders or representatives. Legal proceedings were held for them and the members of the company’s board of directors. During this meeting, after presenting the company’s one-year performance report by the CEO, the report of the legal auditor and the company’s independent auditor regarding the one-year performance up to 09/30/1401 was read. In the following, the following decisions were taken by majority vote.
- Approval of financial statements for the financial year ending on December 30, 1401
- Election of board members for two years
- Determining the remuneration of the members of the board of directors and the right to attend the non-commissioned members of the board of directors and the right to attend the members of specialized committees
- Dividend for the fiscal year 1401 per share is 193 rials
- Choosing information newspaper as a widely circulated newspaper to insert company advertisements
- Selection of Mofid Rahbar Institute as auditor and legal inspector for the financial year ending on December 30 1401